Cross Country Skiing

What You Should Know
We have 50+ kilometers of wilderness ski trails open to the public during the winter season. The trails have been designed primarily by John Morton, a former Olympian and ski coach.
Maps: We have large 24"x36" map kiosks at just about every ski trail intersection. Click here to view our Trail Maps page.
Parking: There are 3 parking areas open during the winter season. Click here to view the parking page for more info and Google Maps locations.
Phones and Cell Service: There is virtually no cell service on the property. There is a phone and emergency equipment in the Small Barn next to the Barnhouse by Cummins Pond and phones in the Tiny House in the NH RT 118 Parking Lot.
Loaner Ski Gear: Loaner classic skis, poles, and boots (adult and children sizes) are located in the Small Barn by the West side of Cummins Pond for use while skiing at Green Woodlands Foundation. The Small Barn is about a 3/4 mile walk from the Lyme side parking lot located between Reservoir Pond and Cummins Pond. It's a bit of a walk but it's part of the adventure. Please return them at the end of the day so they are available for others. Equipment is used at your own risk.
Warming Huts: There are 3 warming huts located
near the intersection of Noris Rd and Dorchester Rd at the Small Barn by Cummins Pond
the intersection of Trout Pond Loop and Spur Trail
at the top of Mudgetts Pond Trail
Fire Pits: There are 2 fire pits that are stocked with the fixings for hot chocolate and s'mores, located:
in the 118 parking lot​
outside the Small Barn near the intersection of Noris Rd and Dorchester Rd by Cummins Pond
Grooming: We typically groom the trails prior to the weekend as long as there is sufficient snow on the ground. We may also groom during the week if nature blesses us with a snowfall. Click here for more info on trail status.
Fat Bikes and Walking on the Ski Trails: Sorry our cross country ski trails just cannot handle these activities in the winter months. Of course you can walk to the Barnhouse to use the loaner skis. Please do not ski in the rain, it just hurts the trails for everyone else and creates a lot of additional work for us.
Snowshoeing: Snowshoeing is great on the property! On the ski trails we do ask that you not snowshoe on the classic tracks and kindly stay to the side of a ski trail.

Dogs on Trails
This is a controversial topic but assuming they are extremely well behaved with other dogs and skiers they can join you. If a dog does interfere with others, a skier may ask you to leash your dog. It is extremely difficult for a skier to avoid a dog while skiing down a high elevation ski trail so we would recommend not bringing dogs on the upper section of Smarts Mountain Trail or the upper section of Mudgett Trail.

Please, be mindful of these signs throughout the property. There are several buildings and trails that are not available for public use, please help us out by respecting these.
Important Notices
Cross Country Skiing and entering the property at your own risk
SKIING AT YOUR OWN RISK: We are fortunate that New Hampshire has very strong laws limiting landowner liability when they allow the public to use their property. Without this release of liability most of the trails and millions of acres of private property that are used by the public for recreational purposes such as this would be closed. This is just a reminder that you enter this property “AT YOUR OWN RISK”.
You should enter this property with an understanding that skiing is a hazardous sport; bare spots, ice, changing snow, bumps, rocks, trees, moose, grooming equipment, getting lost, snowmobiles, dogs, and other hazards exist. You must recognize such dangers, whether marked or unmarked, and realize that falls and collisions are common, and injuries may result. By entering this property, you accept the hazards and dangers of injury incident thereto, including negligence and carelessness on the part of others.
We do not have trail guards or monitors and we do not perform an end of day sweep of the trails. In other words, this is wilderness property and we all have to be responsible for ourselves.
Please Note
Commercial Activities:
We do not charge anyone for the use of Green Woodlands property in any manner and we do not allow anyone else to charge for the use of our property either. This includes any other organizations whether they be profit, non-profit, group or individual that wants to do; tours, guides, lessons, training, equipment rentals, group activities, advertising or any other commercial, monetization or donation base use of Green Woodlands property.